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What is device management?

How Mobile Device Management supercharges your mobile learning strategy

From tablets to laptops, mobile devices are transforming the way students learn, collaborate and communicate with their teachers and peers. But this shift and the increasing use of students’ own machines pose significant challenges for institutions and requires advanced security measures. The implementation of mobile device management (MDM) systems has therefore become essential to ensure that students and teachers can use mobile devices safely and effectively. 

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

MDM is a software solution that enables an institution’s IT department to manage and secure mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops across its estate. The technology allows administrators to remotely configure, update and monitor these devices, ensuring that security protocols are enforced and data is protected. 

In education settings, MDM solutions like Intune and Jamf act as a central command centre for all of a school's mobile devices. IT teams use them to easily control access to apps, data and digital content. MDM can be powerful tools to juggle the need for faculty, staff and students to use mobile devices, while keeping the institution's data secure.  


The main advantages of using an MDM system are:

  • Security: MDM enables institutions to remotely lock or wipe lost or stolen devices to prevent data breaches. Strong passwords can also be enforced and access to sensitive information restricted.  
  • Compliance: MDM ensures that everyone adheres to GDPR regulations by controlling what apps can access what data and how that data is stored.  
  • Standardization: Institutions can pre-configure devices with essential apps and settings, saving IT time and ensuring everyone has the tools they need.  
  • App Management: MDM solutions grant users access to specific apps based on their role, their course or geographic location. 
  • Cost Savings: MDM systems streamline IT processes, reducing the burden on your staff. They also enable staff to track app / device usage, finding areas where cost savings can be made.  

MDM and teaching / learning

It’s important to stress that the impact of MDM goes beyond basic device management. By providing a secure foundation, MDM can support institutions to develop and sustain a thriving mobile learning ecosystem. It fosters:  

  • Personalized Learning: MDM allows educators to tailor content and applications to individual student needs. It creates a learning environment where students with different learning styles can access specific resources that cater to their strengths and weaknesses, ensuring a more personalized learning experience. 
  • Engaged Learning: Interactive mobile apps, gamified learning experiences and online educational resources all contribute to a more engaging learning environment. MDM streamlines access to these tools, keeping students motivated and actively involved in the learning process. 
  • Empowered Educators: MDM solutions also equip educators with the tools they need to effectively integrate technology into their lessons. They can remotely lock or unlock devices, launch specific apps or display messages on all student devices simultaneously. This helps teachers to keep control and seamlessly transition between activities and resources. 

MDM in a BYOD universe

Research suggests that 85% of higher education institutions allow students, teachers and faculty to use personal devices on university networks. Whilst this represents a huge opportunity for staff and students to explore new teaching and learning approaches - it also offers new routes for hackers and criminals to damage key networks and access potentially sensitive data. 

In response, MDM solutions can enforce security protocols on BYOD machines to ensure the security of institution data. This includes enforcing screen locks and pin codes as well as keeping the ability to push and remove data from devices to support security and manageability. 


Academic Software and MDM

Another approach to handling BYOD challenges is for institutions to run all software deployment and licensing through the Academic Software platform. This enables institutions to give all users access to the digital tools they need, (whether native, web-based applications or VDI) on their personal devices, without compromising institutional security. 

Academic Software goes one step further - creating, testing and syncing the Intune or Jamf package for each application. This also saves time for the institution’s IT staff, who can simply use the packages provided by Academic Software or request a bespoke solution if required.  

To reiterate, implementing an MDM system is not about restricting technology; it's about harnessing its power for a more productive and secure learning experience. By addressing the specific needs of their users, institutions can foster a thriving mobile learning (and teaching) ecosystem. MDM tools therefore pave the way for a more engaging and effective learning experience across all educational levels.   

Ready to embrace the full potential of mobile learning in your school? Explore how MDM solutions from Academic Software can empower your educators and keep your students safe.