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Bringing digital care to schools: meet Lieke Veenhuizen

Introducing Lieke Veenhuizen: Bringing Digital Care to Schools


Academic Software: What is your role at Academic Software?

Lieke: "I work as an Account Manager for Academic Software, where I am the single point of contact for secondary and adult education (K12) in Flanders. The main focus lies on our Academic Software solution. This is our online platform where students and teachers have easy access to the latest software applications and learning platforms. In other words, with Academic Software we wish to unburden schools by centralising software tools and by supporting students and teachers."


Academic Software: What does your day typically look like?

Lieke: "My days are very diverse. Besides the customer contacts such as appointments, phone calls or mail traffic, I also get the opportunity to contribute to the further growth of our solution. In close cooperation with our marketing department we focus on our communication with and to the schools (for example with brochures and through social media channels). We also like to stay in touch with the educational field. For example, we were at the Sett fair last week. In addition, we are constantly optimising our solution based on the feedback from schools so that it best meets their needs and requirements. This is how our latest Academic Software bundle was recently developed –  Academic Software for Google."


Academic Software: centralizing software tools for education


Academic Software: How did you come to work for Academic Software?

Lieke: "During my studies in Clinical Psychology, the foundation of my passion for education was laid. After graduating, I started working in elementary schools as a care coordinator, complemented by a position as a support worker in both primary and secondary education. During the corona period, digitalisation suddenly became a necessity in education. In my role as care coordinator I had the opportunity to develop a simple online platform for distance learning and communication between teachers, pupils and their parents. This is where my drive arose to also want to support other schools in their digital transformation. So since the end of May 2021, I have been working at Academic Software with the main goal of bringing digital care to schools."


Academic Software: What are your interests besides work?

Lieke: "I am a big fan of the mountains, especially during the winter. Skiing is my favourite thing to do. I even spent a season in Austria as a ski instructor. Besides the mountains, I also like to be in nature. Hiking and jogging are therefore things I do regularly. Finally, I also enjoy being creative. For instance, I like to design my own Christmas cards and you can sometimes find me behind my sewing machine."